You can help.

Servant Stage Company joyfully serves our community by providing outstanding musical and theatrical experiences accessible to everyone. In 2023, we presented more than 120 shows for over 44,000 people in schools, retirement communities, nursing homes, parks, and churches. As you can imagine, these artistic, educational, and outreach programs require the support of our community!


To contribute…

  • You can click here to donate online to help us further our mission.

  • You may also make checks payable to Servant Stage Company, and mail checks to Servant Stage Company, 201 W. Main Street, Strasburg, PA 17579.

  • Have questions? For more information, click here to email Andrew Zahn or call 717-756-3956.

As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to Servant Stage are tax deductible.

Thank you for your generous support of the performing arts in our community!


Other ways you can play your part:

• Gifts of Stock

A charitable gift of securities or stocks may allow you to avoid or reduce capital gains tax while making a major contribution based on the current market value of the assets.

• IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are age 70 1/2 and older, you may reduce your taxable income by making a gift directly from your IRA.

• Charitable Gift Annuity

This option allows you to give to Servant Stage while benefiting yourself as well. You transfer cash or property to a CGA management firm (such as National Christian Foundation), and you’ll receive fixed payments for life at a rate based on your age.

• Assets

Tangible items such as artwork, cars and even homes may be donated to Servant Stage.

• Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

You can recommend a grant from your donor advised fund for the benefit of Servant Stage.

• Legacy Gifts

To make an impact well beyond your lifetime, some supporters generously include Servant Stage in their will or estate plan.


The options listed above serve as a summary and are not intended as financial or tax advice.


2024 Supporters

Servant Stage would not be possible without the hundreds of faithful donors partnering with us in our mission to make exceptional theatre accessible for all.



Anonymous (4)

Clark Associates Charitable Foundation

The Rodgers Family Charitable Fund

Royer Family Charitable Fund

The Estate of Marilyn Rowan

Richard Vanderberg

WDAC Radio Co


$5000 - $9,999


Anonymous (3)


Howard & Mary Jeanne Dearborn

The Donald B. & Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation

Bruce & Carole Eberwein

Ferree Foundation

Wayne & Robin Headman

The Hershey Company

Evelyn Hess

Lois Morgan

Perseverance Lodge #21

PPL Foundation

Walt & Sarah Styer




Anonymous (8)

Chris & Megan Ament

Atkins Deck Treatment

Service, Inc

Bachman’s Roofing,

Building, & Remodeling, Inc.

Austin & Kate Baer

Ed & Jackie Balderston

Eileen & Jim Beccone

Dave & Paulie Bird

Bob & Connie Brinton

Nathan Buse

Charter Homes &


Glenn & Beth Cozzone

Zen Windows PA

Ephrata National Bank

The Foundation for

Enhancing Communities

Nicholas & Miriam Frey

Fulton Bank

Dr. Wendell Funk

Garden Spot Village

Jane Gardner

David & Elizabeth Givens

Bud & Carolyn Grier

Rick & Marcy High

Paul & Sylvia Hollinger

Home Instead Senior Care

Paul & Janie Hutton

Dave & Nicole Julian

Roger & Carol Kennett

Kreider’s Market, Inc.

Mike Kukich

Lancaster Commercial


Lancaster’s Furniture To Go

Sundae Lausch

Miriam Leaman

Robert & Judy Leaman

Tiffany Lentz

Joanna Lucas

Gladys S. Martin

Valerie Mast

Mardel Mellinger

Larry Mentzer

Norgaard Family

The Overflow Family


Larry & Darlene Pals

Dr. Roger B. Petersen

Drs. Irwin & Susan Richman

Riverside Camping


Greg & Courtney Rumsey

Linda A. Scott

Laura Shaida

Sight & Sound Theaters

Scott Steffy

Marvin & Linda Stouffer

Outback Toys

Kathy Unangst

Wayne & Ruth West


York Ag Products, Inc.




Anonymous (10)

Adorers of the Blood of Christ

Michael Albert

Don Aldrich

J. Robert Arthur

The Ashland Foundation

Chris & Rachel Backert

Jon & Cindi Balson

Cecilia & Chad Bardone

Jeff & Dona Barrall

Elizabeth L. Bicking

Bob Neff Tours

Elam & Evelyn Bollinger

Judy Bowlby

Eugene Boyer

Diane Brown

Jesse & Krista Casler

Russel & Bonnie Corle

Paul & Shannon Cortese

Ken & Deb Cushing

Deb DeGroft

Stephanie Deppen

Mary Ellen Donat

John & Janet Dorfler

Laurel & Andrew Favilla

Richard Fogie

Jen & Jon Frank

Robert & Shirley Garrett

John & Ann Gibbel

Steve & Ellie Gilmore

Joshua Glacken & Elizabeth Rickard

Michael Grabauskas

Haldeman Mechanical

David & Nancy Heintzelman

Bill & Doris Helie

Charlie & Marion Hentz

Carole & Marty Hermes

Herr Foods Inc.

Don & Jean Hoover

Ed & Sylvia Houser

Louetta Hurst

Dale & Christine Johnson

Dennis & Beth Jordan

Elam King

Lehman Insurance Agency, Inc.

Rebecca Lehmann

Londonderry Village

Jerry & Cindy Lorson

MacKs Your Health LLC

Keith & Jennifer Mader

Carol Major

Ethan McNaughton

Kevin & Janelle Messick

Kristin Messick

Garry & Rachel Miller

Lloyd & Mary Ann Miller

Keith & Deborah Mink

Earl Moyer

Rachel A. Mundis

Cope Company Salt

Nancy Jean & Michael Newcomer

North Group Consultants

Oostas LLC

Pampered Chef

Ken & Donna Patrick

Lloyd & Claudia Pickell

Cheryl Rainwater

Fran & Sally Rapp

Col. & Mrs. Paul Reid

Rose Rineer

Charles & Mary Rost

Dr. Eric & Cynthia Ryland

Justine & Randy Schumacher

Shawn & Wendy Serfass

Barry & Lois Sine

David & Sara Stackhouse

Bill & Rosalie Starr

Turkey Hill

Sheila & George Violand

Ellen Vogt

Ivan & Nancy Wenger

Shirley Wenger

Dennis & Judy Wertz

June & Stu Wesbury

Ann Willets

Al & Wendy Williams

Arlene & Randall Zerr

Ruth S. Zimmerman


Thank you for helping us to make a dramatic impact on all stages of life!