Sarah Ziegler

Sarah Ziegler (Fiddle) is thrilled to participate in her first show with Servant Stage!  After moving to Lancaster from San Diego, California, she's participated on LBC's stage in Radium Girls and Into the Woods, as well as in the pit for Ruth, Singing' in the Rain, and Little Women.  Sarah graduated with her BA in Music and Biblical Studies in December, and has since sought to help others heal through music with SWAN for Kids and the Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center.  She's also participated in various local orchestras, taught lessons in senior center downtown, and recently assisted in the production of Veritas' The Wizard of Oz. In the chaos of everyday life, Sarah finds so much joy in the people around her and the many little evidences of God's goodness and provision that are all around.  May you experience those evidences today in this show!  Joshua 1:9

CastGretchen Webb